Azure File Sync Agent v6 – Update June

Azure File Sync

An update rollup for the Azure File Sync agent v6 was released today which addresses the following issues:

  • After creating a server endpoint, High CPU usage may occur when background recall is downloading files to the server.
  • Sync and cloud tiering operations may fail with error.
  • CS_E_SERVER_CREDENTIAL_NEEDED due to token expiration.
    Recalling a file may fail if the URL to download the file contains reserved characters.

More information about this update rollup:

  • This update is available for Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019 installations that have Azure File Sync agent version or later installed.
  • The agent version of this update rollup is
  • A restart may be required if files are in use during the update rollup installation.

Get Started

Installation instructions are documented in KB4489738