Uno Package: a new way to update Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019

Questo articolo è disponibile anche in lingua italiana al seguente link: Uno Package: cambia il modo di aggiornare Windows 10 e Windows Server 2019 |

For those who have worked in the IT world for many years, they know how the new versions of Windows have made incredible improvements around updates. If Windows 7 had hundreds of updates to download, which was then fixed towards the end of its life, with Windows 10 there was a qualitative leap thanks to single package releases with everything you need to update your machine inside; obviously with the passage of time there have been various operations to reduce the weight and complexity of the updates themselves.

However, something has never been resolved and I’m talking about the dependence of monthly updates, the latest cumulative updates (LCU), from major updates, the servicing stack updates (SSU). LCUs are delta-type updates that have a low weight and therefore quick to manage by the client / server, while SSUs are more substantial updates, which have a higher weight and can take several minutes to install.

Even the LCU are independent, sometimes is necessary install also SSU to make devices compatible with the combined cumulative update package, enabling the servicing stack to:

  • Expand the contents of this package
  • Orchestrate the install of a new SSU
  • Proceed with installing an LCU using the updated version of servicing stack

For example, in Windows Server 2019, July updates require the May SSU.

If with Windows 10 2004, 20H2 and 21H1 this was resolved, Windows 10 1909, 1809 and Windows Server 2019 were left out. But what means resolved? First of all, this is something valid only for on-premises scenarios, therefore managed with WSUS or Configuration Manager, while the other fundamental aspect is that the LCU + SSU pair remains but administrators can choose to install a single package containing both updates.

The project takes the name of “Uno Package” and to make it visible in the catalog of updates it is necessary to enable the Windows Insider Pre-Release.

thumbnail image 1 of blog post titled 
 Deploy Windows SSUs and LCUs together with one cumulative update

Once done, the updates will show as 20xx-xx Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version xxxx.

As previously mentioned, Windows 10 1809, 1909 and Windows Server 2019 have recently been added to the list and in order to support this scenario it is important to respect some indications given by the Windows team – “Devices running Windows 10, version 1809 will first need the July 20, 2021 Servicing Stack Update (KB5004424) or later in order to leverage this new capability. Devices running Windows 10, version 1909 will first need the June 15, 2021 Servicing Stack Update (KB5003974) or later.

NB: in self-managed scenarios such as Configuration Manager Auto Deployment Rule, deployment policies need to be revised to avoid overlap between the Uno Package release / installation versus the LCU + ​​SSU pair. Furthermore, it is still recommended to leave the display of classic updates active because they may be necessary.

More details are available in this article – Simplified deployment of Windows servicing stack updates: what’s new – Microsoft Tech Community.