Windows 10: Fast Ring cannot detect Build 10044

Yesterday, Microsoft has released a new build of Windows 10 Technical Preview. The new build fix many issues of 9926 but doesn’t introduce many new features; for example Spartan, the new future browser, is not present. To receive this update, you must have Fast Ring Setting on your Windows 10. In my case I found an error with detection so the new build was not recognized. This could be generated by a manual fix to resolve a boring problem with Windows Update (FBL_AWESOME1501 loop update).


To resolve the issue is necessary check you registry setting into the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability


The values must be configurated with these parameters:


BranchName: fbl_impressive

ThresholdOptedIn: 1

ThresholdRiskLevel: low


Restart you computer and retry to download the updates….now you are ready for the new build!