In my last article I talked about Azure Automation, a new feature to automate some tasks, but this system is nothing without a scheduler. So this is the procedure to create a new Schedule and link it with an existing ...

One of the new feature in Microsoft Azure is Automation. The idea is automate some tasks without do anything “manually” for example it’s possible start a virtual machine in the morning and stop it in the evening (to reduce the ...

In System Center Data Protection Manager there’s a procedure to enable end-user to restore their local files without IT Admins. For the people that don’t know this, in DPM there’s the possibility to deploy the agent also into the client ...

Mobile devices are a big problem for every companies because a smartphone is not a computer where the IT Admin can create policy and limit the “power range” of users/devices. With System Center 2012 Configuration Manager it’s possible manage mobile ...

With the new Update Rollup, System Center Operations Manager has received new widgets to enhance the Dashboard View. The idea is give more “power” to SCOM without use third-part plug-in. As I said in my last article, these are the ...

It’s time for the new Update Rollup for System Center 2012 R2. These are the components that received the update: Data Protection Manager (KB2958100) There are 6 Data Protection Manager (DPM) issues fixed in Update Rollup 2 for System Center ...

At begin of April Microsoft has released the new version of Integration Packs for System Center 2012 R2 Orchestrator. You can find the new package from this link: These are the fixes: The System Center Operations Manager Monitor Alerts ...

Configure Reporting Point on System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager is very simple, because there’s the classic wizard to add a new role. But there are few little tasks that you need make to avoid this message:   An error has occurred during report ...

With the last Update 1 for Windows Server 2012 R2 all the Hyper-V, with this update, connected with Veeam B&R, fails backup jobs. In detail, these are the two issue with Update 1: First issue impacts backup of VMs with ...

With the new Veeam MP 6.5, we can find a great feature called vCenter Failover that allows Veeam Collector to request the status information directly to the ESXi when the vCenter is not available. To have this feature it’s important ...