SC Configuration Manager 2012 R2: Unable Generate Bootable Media ISO

One of the way to deploy a Windows image via System Center Configuration Manager is with Media Device. This can be a good idea when PXE is not available or you want create a parallel procedure to test the solution before go in production. With SCCM is possible generate a USB or an ISO with the entire Task Sequence or just WinPE.


Sometimes you can find a big problem when you try to generate the bootable media; the detail of CreateMediaTS.log show the error 0x80070003 as showed in figure 1.


Figure 1 – Error 80070003


After a long troubleshooting a found a possible reason: the boot.wim model! As you know, into a .wim file is possible include many images that you can manage with Dism or PowerShell, as showed in figure 2.


Figure 2 – Boot Image in PowerShell


SCCM cannot manage more then one image into .wim, figure 3,  file so is necessary delete one of these.


Figure 3 – Boot Image in SCCM


This is the procedure:


  • Copy a new boot.wim into a root of SCCM CAS/PS
  • Run prompt as Admin
  • Locate the folder where imagex is installed
  • Execute this command: imageX /export C:\boot.wim 2 C:\setup.wim
  • Import the new wim into SCCM


Remember that you must change also the Boot target into all Task Sequences, as showed in figure 4.


Figure 4 – Change TS Target


Now you can retry to generate the Bootable Media and voilà!


Figure 5 – Task Completed


This activity is necessary for all of kind of OS Images: Windows 7, 8.1 or 10, 32 bit or 64 bit.