With the last Update 1 for Windows Server 2012 R2 all the Hyper-V, with this update, connected with Veeam B&R, fails backup jobs. In detail, these are the two issue with Update 1:
First issue impacts backup of VMs with Windows OS versions supporting Auto Recovery functionality (Windows 2008 R2 and later only) from updated Hyper-V 2012 R2 hosts. Backup of such VMs fails with the following error message:
Processing VMNAME Error: Client error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Failed to open file [\\?\Volume … AutoRecovery.avhdx] in readonly mode.
Second issue impacts the entire VM restore of VMs with Windows OS version not supporting Auto Recovery functionality (Windows 2008 and earlier only), if the backup was done from updated Hyper-V 2012 R2 host. Granular recovery options work fine, but the entire VM restore fails with the following error if the backup was done from the updated Hyper-V 2012R2 host:
Writer ‘Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer’ is failed at ‘VSS_WS_FAILED_AT_POST_RESTORE’
To resolve this issues it’s necessary install a special patch available from Veeam’s web site. Keep in mind that you need Update 3a, that allows support for Windows Server 2012 R2. This is the solution procedure:
– Stop «Veeam Backup Hyper-V Integration Service» on Hyper-V host
– Replace VeeamHvIntegrationSvc.exe VeeamHvSnapshotCreator.exe on ALL Hyper-V hosts and offhost backup proxies in the following location: C:\Program Files\Veeam\Hyper-V Integration
– Start «Veeam Backup Hyper-V Integration Service» on Hyper-V host.
– Stop «Veeam Backup Service» on Veeam Backup console
– Replace Veeam.Backup.Core.dll, Veeam.Backup.Interaction.Management.dll, Veeam.Backup.ResourceScheduler.dll on Veeam Backup console
– Start «Veeam Backup Service» on Veeam Backup console
– Run the affected backup jobs to create a valid restore point (for the second issue)
The hotfix can be downloaded here
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