Windows 10: Issues with Last October Patch

Windows 10

Redmond, we have a problem! October has started with a false step and many users have trouble with their Windows 10 machines….where trouble means the lock. The error showed in Windows is Inaccessible Boot Device.



The root case is an update released in WSUS (SCCM too) called Delta Update. This kind of updates should be available only for ISV and they are the incremental updates released every months, with a dimension reduced compared the classic Cumulative Update. The strange thing is that this updates should be visible for classic users but for a some reason, something fails….the result was a big disaster from Microsoft.


To resolve the issue, follow these steps:


  • Restart computer with Prompt Command
  • Run this command to find the last updates: dism /image:c:\ /get-packages
  • Run this command to delete the wrong updates: dism /image:c:\ /remove-package /packagename:KBconilbug/scratchdir:c:\temp


Note: I receive some notifications from stand-alone users with the same issue. If you are one of these, use the same procedure.